Sunday, January 6, 2008

Electric Trolley

Electric-powered trolley car, on the Embarcadero in San Francisco. San Francisco has one of the top mass-transit systems in the US. With their use of electric for trolleys, busses, and trains, it's also one of the cleanest.

I happened to catch this at just the right moment and thought it made a good shot.

Another photo tomorrow...


Heather Dugan Creative / Footsteps said...

Love your photo and the memories it stirs... San Fran was one of my favorite trips with my oldest boy! He was around 10 or 11, and hanging off of those cars with him was such a kick! Rode bikes from Fisherman's Wharf across the Golden Gate and up to Sausolito too... So fun! Need to get back there with one of my younger two...

jtj3 said...

Hey thanks, Heather! I took this in May--for as many times as I've been to the San Francisco area, I've almost never done it as a tourist, so I decided to remedy the situation then. Oh, and I got to visit Sausolito that day, was too brief of a stop!

It can be a bit of a cliche, but it's a great tourist town...enjoy, if you get back there!