Thursday, October 18, 2007

Light and hope

I took this just a few weeks ago at the Dachau concentration camp memorial just outside Munich, Germany. This is the interior of the shunt room (Schubraum)--where incoming prisoners were processed. The room, as it exists now, looks basically like it did when the camp was in's dark, barren, and impersonal. It was designed to begin the process of stripping prisoners of their humanity and their identity.

I was struck by the image of the light on the wall and the floor. Even through the ugliness and evil of this room, the light still came through--much like how some of the prisoners held onto the hope of a life beyond the prison.

Hope is essential to us as humans--it inspires us, encourages us, and pulls us through the tough times. The light you see in this picture may disappear in the overnight hours, but it comes back every day...just like hope.

Another picture tomorrow...

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