Friday, October 26, 2007

Notre Dame

This is a beautiful stained glass rose window in the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris. I took this on a visit there in May of 2005.

The window faces north-northeast, and so it catches part of the sunrise. Churches of this era, and long before, were generally arranged in an east-to-west setting--the altar in the east, the nave in the west. Therefore this window would normally face due north--but because of the way the cathedral sits on the Île de la Cité, the church is slightly skewed and the altar points slightly east-southeast.

The picture really doesn't do justice to the window and, because of both conditions and my so-so photographic skills at the time, it required a pretty hefty dose of Photoshopping (yes, I know "Photoshop" is a noun not a verb...still...). Nonetheless, I like the result.

Another picture tomorrow...

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